1.   Federal research funding is increasing.

2.   Proponents stressed the need to uphold the treaty even as anti-missile funding increases.

3.   State funding increased as the economy rebounded.

4.   Wang, from Tianjin, said funding is increasing for mental health care.

v. + increase >>共 168
fight 11.29%
spending 8.78%
spend 5.02%
be 3.13%
smoke 2.82%
warming 1.57%
fighting 1.25%
buying 1.25%
funding 1.25%
snipe 1.25%
funding + v. >>共 108
be 35.53%
come 12.11%
go 2.89%
dry_up 2.37%
help 2.37%
need 1.58%
enable 1.32%
cover 1.05%
allow 1.05%
continue 1.05%
increase 1.05%
每页显示:    共 4