1.   Given the need for additional funding to develop reliable alternatives to foreign oil, Congress overlooked it.

2.   France and Spain seek increased funding to develop the economies of Mediterranean nations menaced by Islamic fundamentalism.

3.   He suggested the government increase funding to develop alternate sources of fuel such as ethanol and soy diesel.

4.   With Germany leading calls for more money for the East, and France and Spain seeking increased funding to develop the economies of Mediterranean nations menaced by Islamic fundamentalism.

v. + develop >>共 123
use 26.53%
work 22.97%
spend 4.36%
rush 2.38%
be 2.18%
form 2.18%
do 1.78%
forecast 1.39%
create 1.19%
compete 1.19%
funding 0.79%
funding + v. >>共 79
help 14.89%
provide 3.55%
ensure 2.84%
continue 2.84%
develop 2.84%
pay 2.84%
support 2.84%
get 2.13%
increase 2.13%
make 2.13%
每页显示:    共 4