1.   The sign and symptoms of hepatitis B include anorexia, fatigue, abdominal discomfort, an enlarged liver, jaundice, and abnormal liver function tests.

2.   Virtually all of those currently available have been reported to cause liver damage which can range from minor transient abnormalities in liver function tests to fulminant hepatic necrosis.

3.   Although changes in liver function tests are very rare, three cases of severe acute hepatitis secondary to piroxicam have been reported.

4.   Sixteen days after liver transplantation a deterioration in liver function tests occurred and liver biopsy showed cytomegalovirus inclusion bodies.

n. + test >>共 1190
drug 14.56%
missile 6.46%
cricket 3.76%
laboratory 3.65%
fitness 3.26%
urine 3.03%
polygraph 2.36%
lab 1.91%
field 1.69%
lie-detector 1.37%
function 0.41%
function + n. >>共 58
test 20.13%
key 13.84%
room 13.21%
privilege 7.55%
hall 3.77%
exception 2.52%
cost 1.89%
exam 1.26%
call 1.26%
definition 1.26%
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