1.   Americans might have sought reassurances from large outlets, giving full faith and credence to government inspection and the ability of big enterprises to pay for top-notch technology.

2.   And now, having produced nothing, it threatens to both disrupt the basic functions of government and undermine the full faith and credit of its financial paper.

3.   As congregations bulge and interest rates fall, full faith and credit is taking on new meaning for area lenders.

4.   Agreements it reached came with the full faith and credit of its electorate.

5.   But that possibility does not worry participants like Young of Florida because the full faith and credit of the state is behind the plan.

6.   But what bonds lacked in payoff, they made up for in security, because they are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

7.   If a marriage is legally sanctioned in Hawaii, the constitution, under the full faith clause, would dictate that other states should recognize that marriage.

8.   I have full faith in Mr. Drysdale.

9.   In return, the Social Security system receives U.S. Treasury bonds backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government.

a. + faith >>共 411
religious 11.58%
bad 10.28%
christian 7.04%
islamic 3.33%
muslim 3.01%
different 2.92%
catholic 2.69%
blind 2.64%
great 2.50%
strong 2.27%
full 1.11%
full + n. >>共 1075
day 2.19%
year 2.08%
control 1.63%
season 1.47%
support 1.42%
strength 1.38%
swing 1.30%
recovery 1.26%
force 1.17%
range 1.16%
faith 0.08%
每页显示:    共 24