1.   Before leaving office, Clinton pardoned a fugitive financier with a rich ex-wife who was a leading FOB and FOH.

2.   All in all, the tale of Martin Frankel is already making a most satisfying addition to the lore of that most modern of outlaws, the fugitive financier.

3.   But it is also possible that he will join a long list of fugitive financiers who have embarrassed the police with their maneuvers abroad.

4.   Former prosecutors complain to Congress that President Clinton never consulted them before granting a pardon to fugitive financier Marc Rich.

5.   Fugitive financier Robert Vesco was the Howard Hughes of Communist Cuba until his gilded cage became his jail cell.

6.   Fugitive financier Marc Rich has an ex-wife who supposedly promised big donations to the Clinton Library.

7.   He represented Denise Rich, the wife of the fugitive financier Marc Rich, who was pardoned by President Bill Clinton.

8.   Maybe Clinton decided that Rich, the fugitive financier, was innocent or that he was the victim of an overzealous Reagan Justice Department.

9.   Officials said there was no link to whether Cuba hands over Robert L. Vesco, the fugitive financier arrested last week.

10.   Ponce noticed that the Dominican had given the same birth date as the fugitive financier.

a. + financier >>共 165
fugitive 10.06%
international 6.83%
american 6.45%
former 6.07%
italian 3.42%
major 2.85%
saudi 2.85%
swiss 2.47%
main 2.09%
russian 2.09%
fugitive + n. >>共 154
leader 11.07%
financier 10.66%
slave 5.43%
terrorist 5.03%
warrant 3.82%
banker 3.42%
businessman 2.62%
suspect 2.01%
rebel 1.81%
son 1.61%
每页显示:    共 53