1.   A spate of minor bomb explosions at Communist Party buildings and military installations in Riga, the Latvian capital, fuelled tension further in mid-December.

2.   And the acquittal of Livoti in the death of Anthony Baez has fueled the tension.

3.   A big trade shortfall also weighs on the dollar because it may fuel trade tension between the U.S. and Japan.

4.   Here is where Caribbean blacks boycotted a Korean grocery, fueling racial tensions that helped define the early days of the administration of Mayor David Dinkins.

5.   Not surprising, the strike has also fueled tensions on picket lines, leading to several arrests nationwide.

6.   Old resentments and jealousies are also fueling the tension between the locals and the refugees.

7.   Tensions have been fueled by overlapping claims to offshore areas believed to sit atop as-yet untapped oil reserves.

8.   That, they believe, will continue to fuel tensions in the country.

9.   The Louima case shocked New York, fueled racial tensions and raised cries of police brutality.

10.   The surprise ruling fueled tension between liberal and conservative bishops.

v. + tension >>共 395
ease 16.21%
defuse 7.54%
reduce 6.93%
raise 5.55%
heighten 5.47%
create 4.03%
increase 3.73%
escalate 2.29%
cause 2.15%
inflame 1.78%
fuel 1.74%
fuel + n. >>共 692
speculation 8.32%
inflation 4.49%
growth 4.20%
concern 3.49%
fear 3.11%
tension 2.09%
demand 2.01%
rise 1.75%
debate 1.65%
gain 1.58%
每页显示:    共 85