1.   Burly cooks, working in crude wooden huts, fry pieces of pork and lamb, served with mounds of rice and bottles of beer.

2.   Continue until all pieces have been fried.

3.   Fry bacon pieces in skillet until crisp.

4.   Fry tofu pieces until golden brown.

5.   If a bacon cheeseburger sounds tasty but unhealthy, how about a burger garnished with fish-based food product that resembles fried bacon pieces?

v. + piece >>共 841
have 2.32%
find 2.23%
write 2.23%
add 1.78%
sell 1.78%
use 1.67%
take 1.53%
place 1.50%
buy 1.41%
cut 1.30%
fry 0.14%
fry + n. >>共 139
chicken 7.52%
egg 6.54%
bacon 4.58%
onion 4.58%
fish 4.25%
meat 2.61%
potato 2.61%
tortilla 2.29%
food 2.29%
brain 1.96%
piece 1.63%
每页显示:    共 5