1.   Accompany with fruit compote.

2.   After mulling over a full menu of selections, I choose a fruit compote, an omelet and orange juice.

3.   For an appetizer, a light fruit compote or salad of pineapples, strawberries and mangoes is suggested.

4.   I skip sugary jam and sticky liqueurs altogether, and spoon a lightly sweetened fruit compote between layers of an airy, homemade sponge cake.

5.   If all this is not glorious enough, a fruit compote can also be added.

6.   It can even be used to add a splash of lively flavor to a fruit compote.

7.   Our collective favorite is the tropical fruit compote for its sensual passion-fruit cream sluicing from an almond tuile toward coconut sorbet.

8.   Serve with a fruit compote and Blanc de Noir sparkling wine for a sophisticated brunch.

9.   Rose water makes a delightful addition to poached fruit and fruit compotes.

10.   Serve with fruit compote.

n. + compote >>共 17
fruit 40.00%
blueberry 11.11%
apple 8.89%
quince 6.67%
blackberry 4.44%
rhubarb 4.44%
apple-quince 2.22%
berry 2.22%
huckleberry 2.22%
mixed-berry 2.22%
fruit + n. >>共 315
juice 14.89%
tree 11.41%
salad 4.20%
flavor 4.07%
drink 2.95%
stand 2.23%
grower 1.84%
cake 1.70%
vendor 1.64%
basket 1.57%
compote 1.18%
每页显示:    共 18