1.   The Elves of the old frontier province had taken a far different path from the High Elves.

2.   Through the vicissitudes of life in a frontier province, Our Lady of Sion has remained the tutelary patroness of Lorraine.

3.   The frontier province is essentially lawless, with drugs sold freely and smuggling unchecked.

4.   A revenge attack in a rugged frontier province left nine people dead, including four women and two children, police said Wednesday.

5.   A wheat shortage in the frontier province has driven up the price of flour and caused massive disruptions.

6.   Authorities in the frontier province which borders Afghanistan have ordered a search of the dozens of refugee camps scattered throughout the province.

7.   On Saturday, protests across the frontier province turned violent when thousands of people stormed flour mills and blocked trucks hauling wheat.

8.   The guerrillas want independence for the frontier Kashmir province or a merger with neighboring Pakistan.

9.   There are reports of hundreds of Pakistanis, many of them graduates of religious schools in the northwest frontier province, fighting alongside the Taliban army.

10.   India accuses Pakistan of training and arming Moslem guerrillas before sending them across to the troubled frontier province.

n. + province >>共 102
rebel 38.21%
majority 8.95%
secessionist 5.85%
border 4.82%
island 4.13%
el-minya 2.41%
week 2.24%
frontier 2.24%
rogue 2.07%
mountain 1.89%
frontier + n. >>共 181
town 9.16%
post 6.11%
region 5.15%
area 4.39%
control 4.20%
guard 3.63%
state 3.05%
province 2.48%
justice 2.29%
city 2.10%
每页显示:    共 13