1.   I showed the doorman my card and he gave a friendly nod.

2.   This brought exclamations, friendly nods and questions-but not about the baby.

3.   The parents, Roman and Inna Flikshtein, greet their neighbors up and down Girard Street with friendly nods and waves.

4.   And he made a friendly nod to the young dissidents.

a. + nod >>共 175
starting 4.97%
little 3.80%
curt 3.80%
knowing 2.63%
slight 2.63%
only 2.34%
approving 2.05%
quick 2.05%
final 1.75%
small 1.46%
friendly 1.17%
friendly + n. >>共 892
relation 5.40%
match 5.07%
country 2.76%
tie 2.14%
term 1.90%
relationship 1.69%
merger 1.51%
game 1.51%
nation 1.48%
face 1.42%
nod 0.12%
每页显示:    共 4