1.   At one point, Hamilton uses it and a friend advises him to pick a substitute more familiar to people.

2.   A friend advised me to buy some Blue Bell ice cream, pull up a lawn chair and quit whining about how hot it was.

3.   A friend advised that sunflowers were the least labor-intensive option.

4.   A friend advises us to buy more Black Rock and some New England Electric for income.

5.   But far beyond what his friends advised, it was direct bureaucratic interference that made Prokofiev change his opera so drastically into the work we now know.

6.   But two intelligent friends of mine advise against it.

7.   He decided that the place needed to be spruced up by a garden, and a friend advised that sunflowers were the least labor-intensive option.

8.   He said Gingrich had been advised by friends to give some of the money to charity, but that he blew the opportunity by not doing so quickly.

9.   One day a friend advised him to take a look at a circus performer called Cantinflas.

10.   Over the years, Morris says, friends advised him that he had accumulated more than enough insurance.

n. + advise >>共 406
doctor 12.57%
expert 7.60%
official 5.61%
lawyer 3.72%
authority 3.25%
government 2.83%
police 2.46%
commission 1.89%
company 1.36%
firm 1.20%
friend 0.94%
friend + v. >>共 997
say 17.12%
be 11.13%
tell 3.70%
have 2.31%
call 1.79%
come 1.68%
suggest 1.32%
take 1.26%
describe 1.22%
die 1.20%
advise 0.21%
每页显示:    共 18