1.   Despite frequent references in the press to the number of Party functionaries in leading posts at the Front, such criticisms persisted.

2.   In doing so I will be making frequent reference to the empirical research findings of criminologists working mostly in the positivist tradition.

3.   Medieval literature contains frequent references to insanity.

4.   One area of television where frequent reference has been made to homosexuality is in the arts programmes.

5.   There are frequent references in her notes to such visits.

6.   There are frequent references in his diary to air-raids, sometimes two or three in the same day.

7.   Frequent references to turbulent motion have been made in previous chapters, but detailed discussion of the nature of that motion has so far been postponed.

8.   And indeed, Whitehouse.coms makes frequent reference to the first couple, going so far as to put their faces on the pornographic photographs of sex models.

9.   At times it even reads like a college textbook, employing the techniques of postmodern theory and frequent references to Plato, Descartes and Shakespeare.

10.   But he is also better connected than his frequent references to cornfields would suggest.

a. + reference >>共 601
sexual 5.37%
direct 4.85%
apparent 3.56%
specific 3.09%
future 2.85%
passing 2.80%
veiled 2.38%
clear 1.85%
frequent 1.71%
religious 1.52%
frequent + n. >>共 1232
target 4.33%
visitor 4.16%
trip 2.41%
visit 2.14%
critic 2.09%
flyer 1.82%
contact 1.67%
clash 1.54%
use 1.50%
guest 1.42%
reference 0.68%
每页显示:    共 36