1.   Celle is a trip into the present with frequent pauses for conversation with the past.

2.   The words come slowly, very slowly, with frequent pauses.

3.   He took frequent pauses, getting treatment with painkillers and ice, then went on to win.

4.   On Good Friday night, he used a cane to walk slowly for a half-mile during a procession, with frequent pauses for prayer.

a. + pause >>共 148
long 22.13%
brief 9.76%
bombing 5.42%
short 4.12%
awkward 3.47%
dramatic 3.25%
pregnant 3.04%
momentary 2.39%
slight 1.95%
temporary 1.74%
frequent 0.87%
frequent + n. >>共 1232
target 4.33%
visitor 4.16%
trip 2.41%
visit 2.14%
critic 2.09%
flyer 1.82%
contact 1.67%
clash 1.54%
use 1.50%
guest 1.42%
pause 0.08%
每页显示:    共 4