1.   Citing the Giscours affair, several French wine commentators noted that when one property is accused of fraud, suspicion quickly falls on the entire region.

2.   French financial commentators speculate that it may not survive in its present form.

3.   Most French commentators agree that Pasqua has come out the loser.

4.   Some French political commentators have been saying that once France will have qualified, it will relax its efforts at cutting deficits.

5.   For some French commentators, victory went beyond sport.

6.   Some French commentators expressed hope Monday that the multiracial nature of the French soccer team would help bring the nation together.

7.   French political commentators say the match-up was basically a draw, with neither candidate coming across as particularly impressive.

8.   French commentators were broadly critical of the December TV appearance.

9.   Among French commentators, the conservative Le Figaro was the most sanguine Thursday.

a. + commentator >>共 229
political 23.02%
conservative 16.62%
israeli 8.01%
military 3.10%
social 3.10%
legal 2.20%
frequent 1.50%
former 1.50%
arab 1.30%
italian 1.00%
french 0.90%
french + n. >>共 1008
government 4.33%
official 2.71%
troop 2.03%
authority 2.02%
franc 1.87%
company 1.85%
soldier 1.54%
police 1.38%
team 1.37%
peacekeeper 1.10%
commentator 0.03%
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