1.   Expect delays where freeway traffic merges.

2.   A New York banker told me that television pictures of unimpeded freeway traffic convinced him more than any government statistic that Southern California was back to its old self.

3.   Freeway traffic to and from.

4.   He was particularly excited about the Parkman job because he knew it would seen by the freeway traffic.

5.   If the next phase of the study shows that city streets are being flooded by freeway traffic, Yamarone said he thinks city staff would change its recommendation.

6.   It went to Rams quarterback Kurt Warner even though Faulk showed off more multitasking abilities than the average Angeleno stuck in freeway traffic.

7.   She claims he threw the dog into freeway traffic.

8.   The Czechs love the hotel at Marina del Rey, but the freeway traffic they could do without.

9.   The Dodgers fight freeway traffic to Edison International Field and the Angels.

10.   The increase in engine torque and more responsive transmission provide adequate power in passing or entering freeway traffic.

n. + traffic >>共 357
air 20.48%
rail 6.02%
passenger 5.51%
rush-hour 4.04%
truck 3.22%
road 2.99%
train 2.90%
freight 2.42%
drug 2.04%
tourist 1.75%
freeway 0.54%
freeway + n. >>共 114
exit 7.55%
traffic 6.42%
overpass 6.42%
system 5.66%
chase 4.53%
ramp 4.53%
lane 3.02%
access 1.89%
sign 1.89%
underpass 1.89%
每页显示:    共 17