1.   She had Decided not to free the prisoners, so now she had to see what happened to the passengers.

2.   The rules are simple in that all you have to do is to move the blocks around to free the prisoner.

3.   The thief is the rightful owner of the jewels who wants to get them back in order to free the prisoners in the castle.

4.   Among other things, he said, Kabila has yet to lift a ban on political activity or begin freeing political prisoners in Congo.

5.   A ragtag band of young terrorists nabbed Elbrick, demanding that political prisoners be freed in exchange for his life.

6.   But the whole idea of freeing the prisoners was a political loser for Mrs. Clinton from the start.

7.   But Zametica said that Serbia, the dominant republic in what remains of Yugoslavia, could not dictate to the Serbs in Bosnia what prisoners should be freed.

8.   Cuba must free political prisoners, carry out free elections or otherwise guarantee human rights, Boucher said.

9.   Despite their fears, Carter has actually been useful in monitoring elections, spurring negotiations between quarreling factions, freeing political prisoners and opening closed doors.

10.   DNA testing also is freeing prisoners.

v. + prisoner >>共 468
release 15.09%
hold 6.28%
free 6.23%
take 5.98%
kill 3.07%
beat 2.52%
visit 2.16%
treat 2.10%
execute 1.88%
exchange 1.80%
free + n. >>共 735
hostage 14.30%
prisoner 6.41%
man 2.91%
captive 2.31%
woman 1.62%
journalist 1.42%
people 1.25%
hundred 1.25%
suspect 1.25%
slave 1.25%
每页显示:    共 224