1.   By contrast, the earned-income tax credit has no organized constituency and has been tainted by fraud.

2.   He alleged that some results were tainted by fraud.

3.   On Tuesday, Dominican election officials finally declared him the winner, but Washington has charged that the election was tainted by fraud and has called for new elections.

4.   The vote was marred by delays and bureaucratic mix-ups, prompting angry criticism from opposition leaders who feared the results would be tainted by fraud.

5.   They indirectly endorsed Cardenas and vowed to participate in a national mobilization if the elections were tainted by fraud.

6.   Belarusian opposition groups and international observers said the constitutional changes were tainted by fraud and they have never recognized the results.

7.   Belarusian opposition groups and international observers said the referendum was tainted by fraud and have never recognized the results.

8.   But elections in April were tainted by fraud and have left the Caribbean country without a government.

9.   But the latest voting, in April, was tainted by fraud that has left the Caribbean nation without a government.

10.   Despite the huge gap, Boadas said the election was tainted by fraud and refused to concede defeat.

n. + taint >>共 144
scandal 12.25%
allegation 9.60%
corruption 5.63%
fraud 4.30%
charge 2.98%
product 2.98%
publicity 1.66%
suspicion 1.66%
accusation 1.32%
association 1.32%
fraud + v. >>共 108
be 44.80%
mar 4.60%
occur 3.60%
take 3.20%
taint 2.60%
involve 2.60%
become 2.00%
cost 1.40%
obtain 1.40%
include 1.20%
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