1.   Instead of a fractured spine, however, which paramedics at the scene feared, Martinez wound up with only a broken rib.

2.   Ramirez sustained a broken leg, a fractured spine, abdominal injuries and damage to her pancreas.

3.   But according to the complaint, now before Dade Circuit Judge Celeste Muir, Mathews is battered from a broken hip, a fractured spine and strokes that resulted.

4.   Ewan suffered a fractured spine and Whitmore had minor injuries to his arm.

5.   In the next few minutes, Shusha was seriously injured, suffering a head injury and a fractured spine.

6.   One of the injured suffered a fractured spine.

7.   One woman suffered a broken rib and punctured lung, while a man sustained a broken leg and another woman was being treated for a fractured spine.

8.   The dead man had been in a coma suffering from severe head injuries and a fractured spine since the beating.

a. + spine >>共 128
lower 9.58%
cervical 7.08%
fractured 3.33%
dendritic 2.92%
broken 2.50%
central 2.50%
sharp 2.50%
upper 2.50%
human 2.08%
long 2.08%
fractured + n. >>共 210
skull 13.56%
rib 6.09%
ankle 4.55%
leg 3.52%
wrist 3.43%
jaw 3.26%
cheekbone 3.09%
thumb 3.00%
bone 2.83%
vertebra 2.75%
spine 0.69%
每页显示:    共 8