1.   I suspect she has a fractured skull and her cheekbone is also broken.

2.   She had multiple injuries and a fractured skull.

3.   She suffered a fractured skull in the accident.

4.   The woman, whose name is not being released, is recovering from a fractured skull at a local hospital.

a. + skull >>共 175
fractured 27.57%
human 12.04%
broken 2.09%
thick 1.92%
crushed 1.75%
cracked 1.57%
ancient 1.22%
animal 1.22%
basal 1.22%
basilar 1.22%
fractured + n. >>共 210
skull 13.56%
rib 6.09%
ankle 4.55%
leg 3.52%
wrist 3.43%
jaw 3.26%
cheekbone 3.09%
thumb 3.00%
bone 2.83%
vertebra 2.75%
每页显示:    共 157