1.   Create foundation plantings.

2.   If you hate shearing your hedges and foundation plantings three times a year, you can thank the Romans for that.

3.   Plant foundation plantings around the house, but not under the drip line.

4.   Start with foundation plantings.

5.   The overgrown foundation plantings, those yews peeking above the window frame, will have to go.

6.   Yews, which grow in foundation plantings around many houses, have fine needles that compress nicely into a velvety, dark green wreath.

n. + planting >>共 47
spring 24.03%
soybean 11.63%
wheat 8.53%
corn 6.98%
foundation 4.65%
crop 3.88%
delay 3.10%
cotton 2.33%
trial 2.33%
aid 1.55%
foundation + n. >>共 176
official 9.29%
grant 4.99%
board 4.65%
wall 4.48%
member 3.96%
money 3.96%
president 3.79%
course 3.44%
leader 2.58%
spokesman 2.58%
planting 1.03%
每页显示:    共 6