1.   Their fossil remains seem to occur with other animals and plants, which are generally accepted as terrestrial.

2.   We know this from their fossil remains.

3.   As you read on, you learn how scientists study flight in modern birds and look at fossil remains to learn how bird flight evolved.

4.   Exploring the Sahara in southeastern Morocco, paleontologists have found the fossil remains of two huge predatory dinosaurs.

5.   Scientists have found evidence of what they call the real Martian, the fossil remains of a microbe stuck inside a rock.

6.   Was this the sign of a true extinction, or merely an absence of fossil remains of that particular life?

7.   As fossil remains from the Pliocene era have been found in Macedonia before, Mladenovski suggested there could be more prehistoric bones in this particular region.

8.   Findings included fossil remains for four human-like individuals, including an adolescent and a child.

9.   It will take a year or two before all the fossil remains are excavated.

10.   Palaeontology is the science which deals with the life of past geological periods as known from fossil remains.

a. + remains >>共 780
human 18.59%
charred 5.77%
skeletal 3.74%
strong 2.61%
cremated 1.52%
advisory 0.94%
at_large 0.86%
unidentified 0.82%
little 0.74%
animal 0.74%
fossil 0.39%
fossil + n. >>共 140
record 16.98%
hunter 6.13%
evidence 5.42%
hunting 4.25%
bone 4.25%
find 3.30%
species 2.59%
discovery 2.36%
remains 2.36%
dealer 1.89%
每页显示:    共 10