1.   Crabgrass seeds probably were germinating in the soil at the same time the forsythias were blooming.

2.   For example, if forsythia blooms outdoors in early February, cut the branches on a warm day in January.

3.   Her forsythia sometimes blooms and sometimes spends the whole season playing dead.

4.   The first yellow forsythia are blooming in Kuce, and sheep browse peacefully on the steep rock-strewn slopes.

5.   The willows are wearing gauzy-green spring outfits, and the forsythia is blooming.

n. + bloom >>共 223
flower 10.36%
plant 4.50%
tree 2.93%
romance 2.25%
rose 2.25%
tulip 2.25%
violet 1.80%
wildflower 1.80%
love 1.58%
blossom 1.35%
forsythia 1.13%
forsythia + v. >>共 3
bloom 50.00%
be 40.00%
become 10.00%
每页显示:    共 5