1.   As a result, social contacts were mainly peripheral, or occurred at formal social occasions.

2.   He wore the suit on formal occasions.

3.   It is sung at family celebrations like this one, but also at more formal occasions.

4.   Jim always felt uncomfortable on such formal occasions.

5.   The rules are most useful on formal occasions like weddings, and particularly when they happen only once in a lifetime.

6.   His wife made no secret of her hatred for the formal occasions.

7.   At less formal occasions, however, Riordan is considerably more relaxed, even convivial.

8.   A former Hollywood designer, it was Cassini who collaborated with Kennedy perhaps more than any other designer to create a unique style for formal state occasions.

9.   A regular white shirt and bolo tie are acceptable on less formal occasions.

10.   A pretty empire-styled dress is perfect for formal occasions.

a. + occasion >>共 309
special 14.23%
rare 12.21%
previous 8.32%
separate 4.18%
social 2.84%
big 2.60%
different 2.21%
first 1.97%
festive 1.83%
ceremonial 1.78%
formal 1.59%
formal + n. >>共 728
announcement 3.81%
charge 3.46%
complaint 3.36%
investigation 3.03%
talk 2.56%
request 2.10%
protest 1.78%
agreement 1.78%
meeting 1.66%
peace 1.61%
occasion 0.28%
每页显示:    共 33