1.   At the deposit plan stage, again no clear formal objection was made by the district as to the inappropriateness of this particular level of provision.

2.   THE opponents of a major pylon scheme received a boost yesterday when a government department confirmed it intended to lodge a formal objection to the route.

3.   According to the city, Ms. Brandel was one of two people who filed formal objections among the hundreds of property owners in the new district.

4.   China has lodged formal objections in both London and Beijing, said the spokesman, Zhu Bangzao, at a regularly scheduled foreign ministry news conference Tuesday.

5.   It is widely expected that even when the language is approved, the Vatican and other delegations will register formal objections to any suggestion that abortion should be legal.

6.   Robert A. Pastore, the head of the TWA pilots union, said that the group had withdrawn its formal objections to the American plan.

7.   Umpires may not be the only group that files a formal objection to the pitch-count practices of Major League Baseball.

8.   Forest managers would consult with outside groups in crafting forest plans, and citizens could file formal objections before plans are completed rather than after the fact.

9.   Some countries lodged formal objections to various parts of the platform, which is non-binding but meant to serve as a guide to governments.

10.   The Israeli peace group Ir Shalem said it would file a formal objection to the plan.

a. + objection >>共 315
strong 8.71%
russian 3.45%
israeli 2.33%
moral 2.25%
serious 2.10%
main 1.95%
strenuous 1.95%
major 1.73%
similar 1.65%
religious 1.58%
formal 1.28%
formal + n. >>共 728
announcement 3.81%
charge 3.46%
complaint 3.36%
investigation 3.03%
talk 2.56%
request 2.10%
protest 1.78%
agreement 1.78%
meeting 1.66%
peace 1.61%
objection 0.14%
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