1.   But it remains uncertain whether the uproar over Democratic fund-raising efforts will result in formal findings of criminal wrongdoing.

2.   But since research inevitably involves mistakes, proving intent to mislead has become the key to a formal finding of scientific misconduct.

3.   But there was never a hearing or formal finding.

4.   Flammable, airborne grain dust is strongly suspected as the cause of the explosion, although no agency has made that a formal finding yet.

5.   First, a judge could not issue any order before making a formal finding that there was a constitutional violation.

6.   In return, major-league baseball would issue no formal finding on whether Rose bet on his own sport.

7.   It took more than a year for a judge to make a formal finding of neglect.

8.   Other agency workers said that they had seen no such formal finding.

9.   Should the department issue a formal finding of violation, the Board of Education would have the option to challenge the decision in federal court.

10.   The Air Force would not describe the defect, saying that a public explanation would have to await the formal findings of an investigation.

a. + finding >>共 391
new 16.28%
preliminary 10.57%
similar 4.66%
latest 4.28%
initial 4.14%
recent 2.76%
earlier 1.90%
such 1.90%
scientific 1.62%
positive 1.33%
formal 0.90%
formal + n. >>共 728
announcement 3.81%
charge 3.46%
complaint 3.36%
investigation 3.03%
talk 2.56%
request 2.10%
protest 1.78%
agreement 1.78%
meeting 1.66%
peace 1.61%
finding 0.16%
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