1.   Finance ministers gave their formal approval in July.

2.   The procedure has not gained formal approval by the International Olympic Committee because it does not give conclusive proof of drug use.

3.   Formal approval of detailed proposals, on which negotiations had been in progress for five months, was expected at the end of February.

4.   Entry of modules and formal LIFESPAN approval must still be performed in the normal way via the DC system.

5.   Entry of modules and formal approval must still be performed in the normal way via the DC system.

6.   Instead, upon formal approval of a module within LIFESPAN, the newly created approved module will automatically inherit the state of the previous unapproved version.

7.   An FDA advisory panel hearing is a key step before formal FDA approval because the agency generally follows the recommendations of its panels.

8.   And American has no plans to apply for formal approval of the alliance until the U.S. and British governments negotiate a new aviation accord, Chiames said.

9.   Based on those findings, Cephalon asked the FDA for permission to distribute Myotrophin to patients before receiving formal approval.

10.   After one more review of the risks by scientists, the White House last Friday gave NASA formal approval to proceed with the launching.

a. + approval >>共 512
final 15.49%
regulatory 12.26%
congressional 9.21%
parliamentary 4.21%
federal 2.89%
formal 2.52%
preliminary 2.49%
prior 2.42%
legislative 2.28%
winning 1.74%
formal + n. >>共 728
announcement 3.81%
charge 3.46%
complaint 3.36%
investigation 3.03%
talk 2.56%
request 2.10%
protest 1.78%
agreement 1.78%
meeting 1.66%
peace 1.61%
approval 1.50%
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