1.   As a result, dozens of parent groups have been formed to raise money to change and monitor the sand.

2.   A private, community-based foundation has been formed to raise money for the center.

3.   A separate nonprofit company, the Dallas Supporters of Fort Worth Dallas Ballet, was formed to raise the money needed to present the company in Dallas.

4.   He said a legal defense fund could be formed to raise additional money for the float.

5.   Venture capital funds are formed to raise money for investing in companies that are just starting out or are in the early stages of developing their products.

6.   Weissman, a retired Manhattan television producer, describes himself as the flamethrower of the nonprofit foundation formed to raise the money for the prospective all-senior center.

v. + raise >>共 188
use 9.76%
sell 8.03%
do 7.38%
work 5.86%
be 2.82%
run 1.74%
address 1.52%
establish 1.52%
spend 1.30%
form 1.30%
form + v. >>共 276
investigate 4.51%
study 3.42%
fight 3.15%
help 2.87%
try 2.05%
make 1.64%
look 1.64%
oversee 1.50%
develop 1.50%
follow 1.50%
raise 0.82%
每页显示:    共 6