1.   It Marks a Decisive shift on the part of the Sri Lankan government to sacrifice self-reliance for the possibility of increased foreign revenues.

2.   The country can sell more goods and services overseas to increase foreign revenue.

3.   A falling franc is good for Swiss exporters because they get more francs for their foreign revenue.

4.   A weaker mark makes German products less expensive abroad and increases the value of foreign revenue.

5.   A stronger dollar helps exporters by making it easier for them to cut prices overseas and boosting the yen value of foreign revenues.

6.   A strong franc makes Swiss products more expensive abroad and dilutes the foreign revenue earned from exports.

7.   A strong U.S. dollar reduces foreign revenue and profits when they are converted to dollars.

8.   A weak mark is good for German exporters as it makes their products less expensive abroad and increases the value of their foreign revenue.

9.   A weaker dollar makes U.S. exports more affordable, and also means companies get more dollars when they convert foreign revenues into their home currency.

10.   A weak mark is good for German exporters because it makes their products less expensive overseas and increases the value of their foreign revenue.

a. + revenue >>共 638
advertising 10.40%
lost 4.55%
new 3.95%
higher 3.32%
additional 3.19%
state 2.42%
lower 2.28%
increased 2.17%
total 1.72%
federal 1.72%
foreign 1.13%
foreign + n. >>共 619
investor 9.09%
ministry 8.10%
investment 6.47%
company 4.04%
currency 3.03%
country 2.22%
bank 1.86%
government 1.71%
journalist 1.58%
worker 1.55%
revenue 0.09%
每页显示:    共 53