1.   Mostly sunny skies are forecast through Wednesday in soybean-growing regions of the U.S., with a chance of light rain tomorrow night, Weather Services said.

2.   Sunny skies are forecast Saturday for the dedication of the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, but thunderclouds of opposition are threatening its counterpart in northern Puget Sound.

3.   Weather Express of Omaha, Nebraska, forecast clear skies for much of the Corn Belt today, while light rain moving across the region Saturday could slow harvesting.

4.   Otherwise, skies were forecast to be partly cloudy across much of the region.

5.   Overcast skies were forecast for much of the upper Midwest, with light snow along the Canadian border.

6.   Partly cloudy skies were forecast for California, the western Great Basin, and Desert Southwest.

7.   Partly cloudy skies were forecast for the rest of the West.

8.   Partly cloudy skies were forecast for the mid-Atlantic, Tennessee Valley and Southeast.

9.   Partly cloudy skies were forecast for western Tennessee, western Kentucky, Louisiana and Mississippi.

10.   Rain fell throughout the morning, though clearer skies are forecast for later in the day.

v. + sky >>共 260
observe 7.31%
fill 6.32%
patrol 6.17%
light 4.95%
expect 3.66%
clear 3.05%
scan 2.89%
report 2.89%
predict 2.67%
see 2.59%
forecast 2.51%
forecast + n. >>共 280
rain 12.14%
weather 7.33%
shower 4.60%
growth 3.66%
condition 3.09%
storm 2.44%
sky 2.37%
snow 2.01%
thunderstorm 1.94%
profit 1.87%
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