1.   In Chechnya, Colonel Alexander Veklich, a Russian military spokesman, said federal forces had halted their barrage against Grozny days ago to let civilians out.

2.   Both sides reported sporadic clashes but no major fire exchanges early Thursday, and Russian forces halted the helicopter and jet attacks that have terrorized the city.

3.   But Russian forces halted the helicopter and jet attacks that have terrorized Grozny and the two sides exchanged wounded fighters.

4.   But Russian forces halted the helicopter and jet attacks that have terrorized Grozny.

5.   Government defense forces halted the offensive, but have been unable to drive the Taliban rebels further back.

6.   However, Indian and Pakistani security forces have halted a routine exchange of artillery and small arms shooting across the cease-fire line dividing Kashmir between them.

7.   Just a kilometer away, loyalist forces halted the flow of traffic at gunpoint.

8.   NATO had threatened airstrikes last year unless Serb forces halted their bloody crackdown on ethnic Albanian separatists.

9.   The gunmen have threatened to blow up the ship unless Russian forces halt attacks on Chechen rebels.

10.   The KDP said Tuesday night it had set up its defensive lines at Irbil, and the PUK forces halted their advance just outside the city.

n. + halt >>共 474
government 8.03%
strike 3.50%
rain 3.07%
company 2.48%
official 2.34%
police 2.19%
troop 2.04%
action 1.82%
authority 1.61%
step 1.17%
force 1.17%
force + v. >>共 622
be 11.83%
have 2.32%
take 2.23%
say 1.89%
launch 1.87%
fire 1.65%
continue 1.54%
attack 1.38%
kill 1.38%
capture 1.35%
halt 0.08%
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