1.   However, the Slovene authorities, anticipating the move, earlier in the day had moved the defence force command to temporary offices elsewhere in the city.

2.   The combined forces command consists of troops from South Korea and the United States.

3.   They will also hold talks with the Kremlin-backed Chechen administration in Chechnya and meet with officers of the federal forces group command.

4.   Forces command, quoted by Itar-Tass, said air attacks had been suspended Monday and ground troops were carrying out reconnaissance and regrouping.

5.   Forces command, quoted by Itar-Tass, said two Russian troops died and seven were injured in the operation.

6.   A handover ceremony will take place on Wednesday at the Bahrain base of the US naval forces central command, the Navy said in a statement.

7.   During the night, several attacks and exchanges of fire occurred in the Chechen capital, Interfax said, quoting the Russian forces command.

8.   During the night, several attacks and exchanges of fire occurred at points in the Chechen capital, Interfax news agency said, quoting Russian forces command.

9.   The newspaper said the differences were over how close the force command should be linked with US forces currently in Afghanistan.

n. + command >>共 181
army 14.91%
voice 12.64%
police 6.04%
rebel 4.72%
computer 3.21%
keyboard 2.26%
air 2.08%
defense 1.89%
border 1.89%
force 1.70%
force + n. >>共 520
wind 8.20%
commander 6.13%
member 4.98%
spokesman 3.52%
soldier 2.25%
official 2.13%
troop 2.06%
personnel 1.58%
headquarters 1.40%
level 1.34%
command 0.55%
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