1.   If this means raising their chair, workers May find their feet are dangling.

2.   Victorine perched in the darkness on a wooden bench with no back, feet dangling over the steep invisible ground.

3.   His feet dangled three inches above the Marasali Shirvan rug.

4.   She thrust back the bright patchwork quilt and levered herself to a sitting position, her feet dangling over the edge of the bed.

5.   He is straddling his board, his feet dangling off as he paddles out to about the third row of waves offshore.

6.   I was sitting in a puddle, feet dangling over the side, tossing my air mattress, sleeping bag and pillow to the ground.

7.   She perches on the edge of the hospital bed, her sandaled feet dangling above the polished floor.

8.   She sits at the edge of the pool, filled with swimmers from all over the globe, her feet dangling in the water.

9.   The very large Volkswagen owner grabbed the diminutive cabdriver by the shirt and hoisted him up to eye level, letting his feet dangle.

10.   Toddlers practice coloring inside the lines on computer workstations at a Queens public library, their feet dangling because the chairs are too high.

n. + dangle >>共 198
foot 4.35%
arm 4.35%
leg 4.35%
cigarette 3.01%
body 3.01%
wire 2.68%
earring 1.67%
line 1.34%
slab 1.34%
bulb 1.34%
foot + v. >>共 313
be 25.24%
touch 3.70%
slip 3.22%
fall 2.33%
hurt 2.25%
have 2.01%
get 1.69%
heal 1.53%
come 1.45%
feel 1.29%
dangle 1.05%
每页显示:    共 13