1.   I enjoy putting up a tent, I like campfires and food for me tastes so much better outside.

2.   If your food tastes bland at first, add flavour with herbs and spices, particularly garlic.

3.   Perfect for quick meals, it cooks and browns so the food tastes good and looks good, too.

4.   The food tasted better than it looked.

5.   While microwaves heat up food more quickly, most food tastes better when it is cooked in a conventional oven.

6.   The food tastes like to erm cardboard!

7.   Although dried foods may taste sweeter because the sugar is more concentrated, there is no caloric difference between fresh and dried produce.

8.   And salt makes sweet preparations taste sweeter and bitter foods taste less bitter.

9.   And the food tastes great!

10.   Because they think that cooking healthfully is difficult and time-consuming and that the food tastes awful.

n. + taste >>共 341
panel 5.74%
food 5.44%
dish 2.50%
wine 2.35%
people 2.21%
water 1.91%
soup 1.91%
product 1.62%
coffee 1.47%
visitor 1.32%
food + v. >>共 391
be 52.51%
have 3.10%
come 2.18%
become 2.05%
run 1.58%
go 1.36%
get 1.30%
arrive 1.20%
taste 1.17%
contain 1.11%
每页显示:    共 37