1.   A large proportion of meat and poultry food products move in interstate commerce.

2.   Advertising costs are supported by local food retailers and by manufacturers of food products.

3.   Consumer groups are demanding greater consistency in the labelling of food products.

4.   Direct mail order sale of food products by food manufacturers and specialty shops has become big business.

5.   In law, beer is classified as a food product.

6.   It discusses the current status of the different detection methods and summarises their applicability to defined set of foods and food products.

7.   Prepare a list of six food products that are available as store brands, generic brands, and national brands.

8.   Read the labels on all food products for levels of fat content.

n. + product >>共 1366
consumer 6.41%
food 4.39%
petroleum 3.43%
tobacco 3.38%
blood 2.86%
software 2.49%
oil 2.27%
farm 2.12%
soy 2.12%
computer 1.82%
food + n. >>共 604
shortage 7.18%
aid 7.11%
supply 5.43%
price 3.88%
company 3.00%
product 2.59%
industry 2.07%
production 1.90%
safety 1.39%
store 1.32%
每页显示:    共 377