1.   Durable goods, food processing and textiles, much of it for export, led the manufacturing sector.

2.   Investment in Argentina will focus on automobiles, food processing and petrochemicals.

3.   It produces nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, argon, helium and other gases used in various industries, including electronics, medical diagnostics, food processing and metals.

4.   That provision was inserted in the bill at the behest of the farm, food processing and grocery industries.

5.   The problem is further complicated by the vast diversity of agricultural targets, which include animals, plants, food processing and distribution systems, he said.

6.   Zanecosky explains that the less processed the food, the healthier it is.

7.   ConAgra owns a wide variety of agricultural and food processing businesses, ranging from flour milling to frozen foods.

8.   Food processing, distribution and marketing systems broke down.

9.   Glickman said he wants to see how rapidly the government is moving toward turning its farms and food processing industry private.

10.   In New Jersey, a region crowded with pharmaceutical and food processing plants, at least the equipment is easy to find.

n. + process >>共 208
peace 9.49%
computer 4.64%
food 3.53%
plant 3.09%
authority 2.65%
system 2.43%
company 2.21%
brain 1.99%
bank 1.77%
body 1.77%
food + v. >>共 391
be 52.51%
have 3.10%
come 2.18%
become 2.05%
run 1.58%
go 1.36%
get 1.30%
arrive 1.20%
taste 1.17%
contain 1.11%
process 0.51%
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