1.   As a way of encouraging them to return, food aid to the refugee camps has been withheld since last summer.

2.   Emergency food aid should be given with no strings attached.

3.   In this area, emergency food aid is likely to be finished within days.

4.   Others are prioritising programmes such as food aid.

5.   Some food aid is already going in.

6.   That means food aid, and it means more painful diplomacy in the search for peace.

7.   The charity approached several stores about giving food aid.

8.   The country is in dire need of food aid.

9.   The government made a formal request for food aid.

n. + aid >>共 316
food 34.64%
government 11.07%
development 9.34%
relief 4.69%
reconstruction 3.66%
disaster 2.73%
rice 2.46%
school 2.09%
student 1.46%
grant 1.33%
food + n. >>共 604
shortage 7.18%
aid 7.11%
supply 5.43%
price 3.88%
company 3.00%
product 2.59%
industry 2.07%
production 1.90%
safety 1.39%
store 1.32%
每页显示:    共 1036