1.   Although the film does not attribute the Holocaust solely to religious anti-Semitism, it documents the role of Christian churches in fomenting anti-Semitic sentiment.

2.   The film, a sober but wrenching account of the history and consequences of anti-Semitism, describes the role of Christian churches in fomenting sentiment against Jews in Europe.

3.   The film, an account of the history and consequences of anti-Semitism, describes the role of Christian churches in fomenting sentiment against Jews in Europe.

4.   Yugoslav President Milosevic blames Albania for fomenting separatist sentiment in Kosovo, and for channeling money and guns to the rebel Kosovo Liberation Army.

5.   It is wrong to foment aggressive sentiments directed at foreigners, other nations and minorities who live in this country.

v. + sentiment >>共 387
echo 18.69%
express 6.57%
dampen 6.29%
share 6.20%
boost 3.41%
hurt 2.35%
reflect 2.31%
improve 1.82%
voice 1.66%
lift 1.58%
foment 0.20%
foment + n. >>共 104
violence 20.85%
unrest 11.87%
war 8.52%
insurgency 7.76%
trouble 6.39%
militancy 5.48%
rebellion 4.57%
revolution 1.83%
terrorism 1.67%
riot 1.52%
sentiment 0.76%
每页显示:    共 5