1.   This follows private negotiations between the landowner and the leisure centre.

2.   This follows private negotiations between the landowner, and the leisure centre.

3.   Following negotiations between the members of the ruling coalition, Franco Carraro was elected in mid-December as the first Socialist mayor of the city.

4.   They erected barricades to block traffic, but these were removed following peaceful negotiations with police.

5.   The bid follows protracted negotiations between the two groups about a possible merger.

6.   Anderson followed plea negotiations in imposing the sentence.

7.   A tentative agreement was reached following negotiations Sunday in Baghdad.

8.   Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, who has been following the negotiations at the FTC, said in an interview earlier this week that there had been progress.

v. + negotiation >>共 547
resume 10.28%
begin 8.41%
continue 4.23%
start 3.86%
hold 3.72%
open 3.26%
conduct 2.43%
restart 2.43%
complete 2.24%
suspend 2.07%
follow 1.38%
follow + n. >>共 1020
suit 6.02%
lead 1.99%
report 1.85%
meeting 1.75%
attack 1.72%
series 1.33%
rule 1.09%
example 1.08%
procedure 1.02%
death 1.02%
negotiation 0.28%
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