1.   Everyone in the organization has to follow its code of ethics.

2.   Cio-Cio-San follows a code of honor, of dignity.

3.   Depending on which belief you hold, you will make decisions that follow your code of ethics.

4.   Even when flirting, the dancers gave the impression that they portrayed people who believed in following codes of etiquette.

5.   Human rights groups are proposing that foreign companies follow a code of conduct similar to the Sullivan principles that prepared South Africa for a post-apartheid society.

6.   Look for it because members have agreed to follow a code of ethics that is displayed in the shop.

7.   Now, although comics for children still follow the code, even mainstream publishers issue titles outside its restrictions.

8.   Prott describes how antiquities dealers follow a code of confidentiality that makes it impossible to trace the pieces back to the suppliers.

9.   Studies, and especially details, are just that, and do not have to follow the codes of fine painting.

10.   Task force members vowed to follow the code in the factories they use in the United States and abroad.

v. + code >>共 369
use 5.60%
break 4.87%
violate 4.74%
have 3.95%
crack 3.29%
write 3.09%
adopt 1.91%
sign 1.58%
include 1.51%
switch 1.45%
follow 1.32%
follow + n. >>共 1020
suit 6.02%
lead 1.99%
report 1.85%
meeting 1.75%
attack 1.72%
series 1.33%
rule 1.09%
example 1.08%
procedure 1.02%
death 1.02%
code 0.05%
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