1.   Then fold the dough over the filling, pinching the two sides together until you have a half-moon dumpling.

2.   Add the coconut and the egg, folding the dough over itself several times until it is homogeneous.

3.   Fold dough in half and seal edges.

4.   Fold dough in half.

5.   Fold dough into a half-moon over the filling.

6.   Fold dough, then unfold it into center of a parchment-lined cookie sheet.

7.   Fold excess dough from bottom piece onto top piece, pleating or rolling as you like.

8.   Fold dough over filling and seal by pinching edges tightly.

9.   Fold dough over to enclose.

10.   Gently fold the dough in half, then in quarters.

v. + dough >>共 184
turn 6.81%
roll 6.24%
knead 5.90%
place 4.77%
divide 3.86%
make 3.75%
remove 3.41%
shape 3.18%
press 3.06%
cut 2.27%
fold 1.82%
fold + n. >>共 296
arm 11.18%
hand 8.44%
tent 3.18%
paper 2.74%
napkin 1.97%
edge 1.97%
laundry 1.75%
clothes 1.75%
chair 1.75%
dough 1.75%
每页显示:    共 16