1.   Foil wraps are recommended, whatever they are.

2.   Lying in my foil wrap, listening to a harp and bird concerto being piped caressingly into the room, I pondered my future as a sole amandine.

3.   Most of the aging of Vermont Cheddars is done in Cryovac packaging because the old paraffin-lined foil wrap once used by cheese makers is no longer available.

4.   Ron Wilson, a spokesman for the San Francisco International Airport, said X-ray machines at security checkpoints have trouble detecting through foil wrap and tin containers.

5.   This is food that stretches its foil wrap to the point of bursting.

n. + wrap >>共 93
bubble 13.06%
gift 12.16%
body 5.86%
shrink 4.95%
head 3.60%
cling 3.60%
seaweed 3.60%
lettuce 2.70%
foil 2.25%
hand 1.80%
foil + n. >>共 78
packet 11.61%
package 7.10%
pan 6.45%
tent 3.87%
tray 3.23%
wrap 3.23%
bag 2.58%
blanket 2.58%
fencer 2.58%
covering 1.94%
每页显示:    共 5