1.   The flies buzz and the sun is hot on my spine.

2.   Flies were buzzing around the picnic tables.

3.   A trapped fly buzzed intermittently against the window panes and on the other side of the window the life of the harbour went on its unhurried way.

4.   As in other budget guest houses throughout the valley, flies buzzed through the spartan rooms.

5.   Flies buzz around exposed, rancid meat hanging from hooks in a fetid market.

6.   Flies buzz over fried plantains, boomboxes blare, and the air bristles with a cacophony of come-ons.

7.   Flies buzzed around a bowl of fish curry.

8.   Flies buzzed around his head.

9.   Flies buzz about.

10.   Flies buzzed around plates of half-eaten food.

n. + buzz >>共 204
helicopter 18.01%
warplane 7.03%
plane 6.69%
jet 6.35%
fly 5.32%
fighter 1.89%
crowd 1.72%
line 1.54%
aircraft 1.37%
room 1.20%
fly + v. >>共 152
be 19.95%
buzz 8.24%
swarm 4.26%
have 2.39%
come 1.86%
lie 1.60%
land 1.33%
do 1.33%
leave 1.33%
make 1.33%
每页显示:    共 31