1.   But given the obviously devastating impact of a flu pandemic, no one can afford to be complacent.

2.   Flu pandemics would be mere memories, as would killer tornadoes and calamitous floods.

3.   There have been three flu pandemics so far this century.

4.   There have been three great flu pandemics in recent history.

5.   Three previous flu pandemics have occurred this century, killing millions of people, and all involved viruses that originated in birds.

6.   One-third of its victims died, and some experts warned a new flu pandemic was possible.

7.   PREVIOUS flu pandemics may not offer many clues to the future behaviour of avian flu, experts say.

8.   The two flu pandemics, like similar viruses, were not detected until they had infected a large number of people, Dr Fukuda said in Hong Kong.

9.   There have been three flu pandemics this century, two of which originated in China.

n. + pandemic >>共 6
flu 47.37%
influenza 26.32%
century 10.53%
aid 5.26%
cholera 5.26%
self-esteem 5.26%
flu + n. >>共 105
shot 12.59%
virus 12.59%
vaccine 11.40%
season 9.91%
symptom 8.82%
epidemic 5.85%
strain 4.16%
bug 3.27%
scare 2.97%
case 2.87%
pandemic 0.89%
每页显示:    共 9