1.   Prune rambling roses when the flowers have faded.

2.   Although the fabric was covered with plastic, the flowers have faded.

3.   After amaryllis flowers have faded, cut back the flower stalk at its base, near the top of the bulb.

4.   By the time the flowers fade, the plant fills out into a lush, low mound of nodding, asymmetrical leaves, a little like paisleys.

5.   Flowers fade and green turns brown in our humidity.

6.   Hopleys has hoplike bracts and Herrenhausen has purple bracts that linger after the flowers fade.

7.   In late summer, when other flowers are fading, zinnias are just reaching their peak, blooming into October.

8.   It can be an exuberant grower, though, and demands control, so prune it in late spring after the flowers fade.

9.   OG also provides advice on pruning lilacs, which should be done any day now, right after the flowers fade.

10.   Once the flowers have faded, cut to the ground one-third of the oldest canes.

n. + fade >>共 682
hope 5.06%
memory 3.04%
light 2.15%
smile 1.84%
concern 1.33%
color 1.33%
optimism 1.20%
image 1.20%
flower 1.20%
issue 1.14%
flower + v. >>共 296
be 30.36%
bloom 3.91%
appear 3.15%
have 2.89%
grow 2.55%
look 2.38%
open 2.30%
come 1.70%
fade 1.62%
say 1.53%
每页显示:    共 19