1.   The country has been devastated by floods.

2.   The flood devastated the town.

3.   Floods devastated Mozambique.

4.   Floods have devastated crops in provinces on the mid-reaches of the Yangtze River including Hunan, Jiangxi, Hubei, Guizhou and Anhui since late June.

5.   Then, in September, paradoxically, many farmers were devastated by floods brought on by Tropical Storm Floyd.

6.   President Vaclav Havel tours area devastated by floods.

7.   After massive floods last summer devastated much of its farmland, the reclusive country was forced to turn to outside aid for the first time.

8.   China was devastated by floods this year.

9.   Farmers are demanding greater attention to their needs as the drought and floods devastate crops and livestock.

10.   Floods last summer devastated vast areas of farmland in the North, adding to a chronic food shortage.

n. + devastate >>共 175
injury 5.26%
flood 5.26%
earthquake 4.31%
war 4.07%
fire 3.11%
decade 2.87%
sanction 2.63%
bomb 2.15%
year 2.15%
crisis 1.91%
flood + v. >>共 218
be 11.69%
hit 5.41%
come 4.83%
cause 4.54%
kill 2.80%
damage 2.32%
destroy 2.32%
sweep 2.22%
devastate 2.13%
ravage 2.03%
每页显示:    共 22