1.   Participants collect flight credit vouchers before departure.

2.   United is offering for passengers who experienced flight cancellations vouchers redeemable on competing airlines.

3.   American Airlines said they thanked the doctor with a bottle of champagne and a flight voucher, which he declined.

4.   Northwest officials, still stinging from the first fiasco, said the incident was isolated, and they quickly tried to compensate the passengers with flight vouchers and cash.

n. + voucher >>共 90
school 52.29%
tuition 4.58%
private-school 3.13%
gift 2.71%
meal 2.08%
travel 2.08%
food 1.88%
education 1.88%
rent 1.67%
government 1.46%
flight 0.83%
flight + n. >>共 481
recorder 7.65%
crew 7.38%
school 5.71%
home 4.87%
plan 4.27%
delay 3.74%
controller 3.68%
schedule 3.51%
path 3.47%
simulator 2.43%
voucher 0.08%
每页显示:    共 4