1.   And to my mind that is a fundamentally flawed planning strategy.

2.   Did the fault lie in iffy execution or in a fundamentally flawed strategy?

3.   For Ferrer it exacerbates what I have thought from the beginning was a fundamentally flawed strategy.

4.   Monitoring the wrong country was another flawed strategy.

5.   The credit-card unit ran into severe problems linked to overambitious growth and flawed marketing strategies that drove off hordes of customers.

6.   While a series of flawed strategies and high-cost problems got Motorola into its current hole, the economic downturn is blamed for extending it.

a. + strategy >>共 1379
new 8.71%
marketing 4.26%
different 2.17%
long-term 2.10%
military 1.92%
such 1.88%
same 1.84%
political 1.78%
similar 1.42%
best 1.29%
flawed 0.08%
flawed + n. >>共 307
election 5.11%
system 3.80%
gene 2.48%
chip 2.19%
team 2.04%
character 1.90%
investigation 1.90%
process 1.46%
man 1.31%
hero 1.17%
strategy 0.88%
每页显示:    共 6