1.   Both events revealed not only deep divisions among Member States, but also fundamentally flawed policies.

2.   And despite their own differences, many Republicans persist in attacking Clinton and the Democrats for following a flawed policy that they say has only exacerbated the conflict.

3.   Bundesbank President Hans Tietmeyer saluted the U.S. government for its commitment to a strong dollar, saying central banks cannot rescue currencies that are undermined by flawed economic policies.

4.   The newly released regulations, which were supposed to implement the October policy, in fact make a flawed policy even worse.

5.   If international scrutiny shames white Australia into necessary reappraisal of flawed policies, well and good.

6.   The court changed its flawed policy on when judges should excuse themselves from cases after it became public this spring.

7.   When a financial market collapses, its adherents will argue that it is caused by flawed policies and not by unstable or unbridled market.

8.   Flawed policies, excessive groundwater pumping and pollution are threatening water supplies around the world, a new report by a Washington-based international research group warns.

a. + policy >>共 712
monetary 10.73%
economic 8.42%
new 8.36%
fiscal 1.93%
national 1.78%
social 1.65%
american 1.64%
current 1.48%
domestic 1.44%
major 1.42%
flawed 0.04%
flawed + n. >>共 307
election 5.11%
system 3.80%
gene 2.48%
chip 2.19%
team 2.04%
character 1.90%
investigation 1.90%
process 1.46%
man 1.31%
hero 1.17%
policy 1.17%
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