1.   All the while, critics say, it ignored reports by the OAS and other monitoring groups that a deeply flawed election was being mounted.

2.   But nothing in his past indicates that he would allow one, and flawed elections are worse than none at all.

3.   Hopes for democracy in the Transcaucasus have faded, with both Armenia and Azerbaijan holding seriously flawed elections in the past two years.

4.   Opposition leader Marc Ravalomanana claimed he won the flawed election outright and declared himself president, despite official results stating that no candidate won more than half the vote.

5.   A resolution on Zimbabwe, sponsored by the European Union, criticizes the country for its alleged flawed election and political intimidation by supporters of President Robert Mugabe.

6.   A resolution on Zimbabwe, sponsored by the European Union, criticizes the country for its alleged flawed March elections and political intimidation by supporters of President Robert Mugabe.

7.   But he said he feared that the presence of international election monitors in Zimbabwe at such a late stage might only legitimize a flawed election.

8.   Flawed elections in Haiti, flawed elections in Florida.

9.   Guei, in turn, was overthrown in a popular rebellion following flawed presidential elections that swept longtime opposition leader Laurent Gbagbo to the presidency on Wednesday.

10.   He also warned that the parliamentary election might be either postponed by the Constitutional Court or overturned later because of a flawed election law.

a. + election >>共 447
presidential 16.69%
new 6.95%
parliamentary 6.78%
early 5.01%
local 4.33%
national 4.31%
legislative 2.83%
next 2.64%
municipal 2.13%
upcoming 1.92%
flawed 0.12%
flawed + n. >>共 307
election 5.11%
system 3.80%
gene 2.48%
chip 2.19%
team 2.04%
character 1.90%
investigation 1.90%
process 1.46%
man 1.31%
hero 1.17%
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