1.   By using fixed mooring systems for boats.

2.   Some people have lost work, and this will continue to happen until the computer system is fixed.

3.   And both the FAA and airlines attack Congress for not appropriating enough money to fix the system.

4.   And the cleverest ideas for fixing the system may have unintended consequences.

5.   Another problem is that there are only a limited number of technicians in the world with the capabilities to fix the systems, according to Ryback said.

6.   As a result, the man was loathed by many people at the factory and by people who were trying to fix systems in the field.

7.   After the irrigation system was fixed, the underground drainage system that took water away from the trees broke down.

8.   Airports are also building taxiways and access roads, fixing aviation systems, improving noise and pollution controls, adding signs and expanding parking.

9.   Bush claimed Gore was more interested in using Medicare for partisan political advantage than in fixing the system.

10.   But because fixing the system would cost hundreds of millions of dollars, the warnings largely have not been heeded.

v. + system >>共 729
use 5.91%
develop 3.39%
have 2.88%
change 2.32%
install 2.22%
set_up 2.03%
build 1.69%
create 1.66%
test 1.51%
design 1.34%
fix 0.54%
fix + n. >>共 805
problem 19.87%
date 6.34%
price 4.47%
thing 2.61%
eye 2.47%
match 1.89%
car 1.61%
system 1.50%
economy 1.21%
leak 1.03%
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